Health & Nursing Services
The main objective of the Dorchester County School District Two School Health Program is to assist each student in achieving and maintaining optimal health so that maximal physical, social, emotional, and academic growth can occur.
Looking for Health Curriculum?Visit the Health & Fitness page
Managing Health
- Illness & School Exclusion
- Screenings
- Guidelines for Medication Management
- Health Forms
- Immunizations
- Dental Care
- Flu Clinics
- COVID-19
- Lifesaving Medications Law & Policy JLCDB
- Sun Safety
- Mental Health Resources
Illness & School Exclusion
School Health Room Operations
The Health Room is designed to be an emergency clinic to care for minor illnesses or injuries that occur at school. Injuries or health concerns that occur outside of school should be treated at home or by your child’s health care provider. The School Nurse cannot diagnose or prescribe treatment. This is the responsibility of your family physician or other health care provider.
There are times when a student should remain at home for his/her own wellbeing and for the wellbeing of others. Individuals attending and working in schools and childcare facilities in South Carolina must follow the DHEC School and Childcare Exclusion List. This list is updated annually and provides information on student & staff exclusion due to illness and outlines the requirements to return to school/work after being ill.
Exclusion List -
In the event that a student becomes ill or injured and needs to go home, the parent/guardian or emergency contact listed during registration will be contacted and expected to come for the child. Students determined to need to go home by the school cannot remain in the health room and must be picked up by a parent, guardian, or other contact in a timely manner. Also, there are times when it is necessary to contact a parent/guardian by phone about a student’s health. For this reason, please make sure the school has up-to-date phone numbers for those to contact in case of emergency.
Head Lice
If a student is suspected of having lice at school, they will be checked by the Nurse or trained delegate. Per DHEC, if live lice are observed, the student must be excluded from school until evidence of treatment. Depending on the age of the student, the exclusion may be immediate (if head-to-head contact cannot be avoided) or at the end of the school day. Evidence of treatment is then assessed by the Nurse or HRA upon return to school prior to their return to class/normal activities. Assuming no live lice or viable (closer than ¼ inch to the scalp) nits are observed, the student may return to class. If evidence of treatment is not seen, the student must remain excluded. Treatment for lice is defined as any method that is successful in removing a live lice infestation, including viable nits (eggs), and can include prescription treatment, OTC treatment, professional treatment at a lice facility, or a thorough and complete combing. The student should be re-checked in 7-10 days to ensure re-infestation has not occurred and if necessary, treatment should be repeated.
Dorchester District Two follows evidence-based practices related to lice in schools. If a student is identified as having lice at school, we do not conduct whole class head checks, nor do we send letters home to parents advising them of the presence of a student with lice. The best way to handle lice concerns is consistent education and thorough and effective treatment when lice are identified.
Dorchester District Two recognizes that good physical health goes hand in hand with good academic performance. Health problems, including problems seeing and hearing, may prevent a child from achieving his/her fullest potential. Unfortunately, many such difficulties go undetected for years. School Nurses are trained to screen students for vision, hearing, and other concerns. To provide access to health screenings for as many students as possible, DD2 also partners with several outside agencies. If any school-based screening opportunities detect a problem, parents will be notified for further follow-up. Parents/guardians can opt their students out of school-based health screenings by providing this request in writing directly to the School Nurse.
Guidelines for Medication Management
Dorchester District Two requires that the parents of all students who need medication during school hours, while on school-sponsored trips, or while on campus for District-sponsored activities adhere to the following guidelines:
Parent/legal guardian must complete and submit a Dorchester School District Two Medication Request Form for each medication being requested to take or store at school, including medications approved for self-carry or self-administration. This form requires both the signature of the physician and the parent/legal guardian.
All requests for medication to be given at school must be submitted via this form and approval is at the discretion of the District after a review of both completeness of documentation and appropriateness of administration within the school setting.
- All prescription and over-the-counter medications, including but not limited to acetaminophen/ibuprofen, cough medicine, vitamins, supplements, cough drops, and lotions/ointments will not be given at school without this form completed by a legal prescriber and medication submitted in a properly labeled container by a registered pharmacist as prescribed by law.
- Herbals, food supplements, alternative medicinal products, and other items that do not have FDA approval will not be given at school without a medication permission request form completed by a legal prescriber and in a properly labeled prescription container by a registered pharmacist as prescribed by law. Items prescribed for off-label use may require District-level approval before they can be accepted for administration in school.
- Students may never take the first dose of a medication at school to ensure proper home monitoring for side effects.
After approval, medications must be submitted to the School Nurse following all District guidelines for medications.
Medication must be brought in by the parent/guardian or other responsible adult, NOT THE STUDENT.
Medication must be in the current prescription bottle/package and must be properly labeled by a registered pharmacist as prescribed by law (ask your pharmacist to prepare a separate labeled bottle for school use).
Only a 31-day supply may be delivered to school.
All medicine not registered with the School Nurse will be in direct violation of district policy.
Students may not share any prescription or over-the-counter medication with another student. Violations may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to suspension or expulsion.
All medicine not registered with the School Nurse will be in direct violation of district policy and dealt with accordingly.
Parents/guardian will be contacted at the end of the year to pick-up any remaining medication and school personnel will dispose of medication not claimed at the end of the school year.
In addition to prescription or over-the-counter medications, procedures are in place for students who may need other medical assistance at school such as nutritional supplements, respiratory care, tube feedings, and diabetic care, among others. These treatments also require written orders from a healthcare provider.
Health Forms
Medication Permission Request Form
Self-Monitor Self-Medicate Request Form - for students who request to carry and/or administer their own medication
Diabetes Management Request Form - required for all diabetic students
Non-MUSC Diabetes Order Forms - for non-MUSC patients only
Nutritional Supplement/Tube Feed Request Form
Please note, students requiring the use of crutches, wheelchairs/scooters, or other assistive mobility devices in school on a short-term basis after injury or surgery are required to submit a note from a healthcare provider outlining appropriate use of this equipment in school. All students must provide and maintain their own equipment.
Pursuant to Section 44-29-180, South Carolina Code of Laws, and South Carolina Regulation 61-8, “no superintendent of an institution of learning, no school board or principal of a school…may…enroll or retain a child or person who cannot produce satisfactory evidence of having been vaccinated or immunized so often as directed by the Department of Health and Environmental Control…. Records of vaccinations or immunizations must be maintained by the institution, school or day care facility to which the child or person has been admitted.”
The minimum requirements necessary for childcare and any public, private, or parochial school grades 5K-12, including preschool attendance for 4K programs and younger are set by DHEC annually. These requirements will be effective as of July 1, 2024. A SC Certificate of Immunization with an expiration date is acceptable to allow for age-appropriate completion of vaccination series. No child can attend for more than 30 days past the expiration date of the certificate.
Note: Grade level requirements apply to all students entering or retained in the grades specified.
Immunization Requirements -
Dental Care
Dorchester District Two has partnered with Dental Access Carolina (DAC) to provide a location for on-site dental services for students during the school day. For more information on DAC services, please visit Dental Access Carolina.
Please note: All services rendered by DAC are done so at the express written request of the parent/guardian by completion and submission of the forms linked below. To inquire about services offered, update forms, or discuss treatment rendered or recommended, parents/guardians must contact DAC directly. While DD2 provides a location for your child to receive dental services during the school day, DD2 staff do not render dental services to students directly and are unable to discuss treatment plans, follow-up care, or assist with providing records regarding DAC provided services. DD2 also does not control when DAC services are scheduled at your child's school or the intervals at which your child will be seen by DAC providers. For more information on DAC services or to contact DAC directly, please visit Dental Access Carolina.
Flu Clinics
DHEC is partnering with many school districts across the state to provide flu vaccines to students.
Getting your child a flu shot at school saves you a visit to the doctor’s office! And, if your child is protected with a flu shot, it means fewer days of missed school and work for you and your family.
The flu shot is given at no cost to you. Don’t miss this chance to protect your child from the flu!
DHEC Links:
Flu Clinic Forms
As of 3.5.2024, DHEC no longer requires 5-day isolation for individuals following a positive COVID19 test.
See below for criteria to return to work/school after testing positive for COVID-19:
- If you test positive for COVID-19 and have NO fever, you may return to work/school when your symptoms are improving.
- If you test positive for COVID-19 and you have a fever (100.4 or greater), you must remain home until your symptoms are improving and you are 24-hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medication.
Parents/students should follow normal school attendance procedures for reporting and documenting student absences due to illness.
COVID19 Frequently Asked Questions
Are face coverings required in school or on school buses? No.
How often will my child's classroom be cleaned? All classrooms and other instructional spaces are cleaned daily by Custodial Services. In addition, teachers and students have been provided with food-grade Sanitizer that can be used on desks, high-touch surfaces, and any shared materials.
Am I allowed to visit my child's school? Visitors are allowed at all schools. Please contact your child's school to discuss visitor information.
Are close contacts or exposed individuals required to quarantine? No, no quarantine of close contacts is required.
Will contact tracing be done after positive cases? No, contract tracing is no longer required by DHEC due to low COVID19 activity in schools.
Lifesaving Medications Law & Policy JLCDB
- In line with SC Code of Laws Section 59-63-95 (Administration of lifesaving medication in school), Dorchester District Two maintains a supply of undesignated epinephrine auto-injectors for use in an emergency situation such as anaphylaxis, a life-threatening type of allergic reaction.
- This law, and accompanying Board Policy JLCDB, authorizes school nurses and other designated school personnel to administer an epinephrine auto-injector to a student or other individual on school premises whom the school nurse or other designated school personnel believes in good faith is experiencing anaphylaxis regardless of whether the student or other individual has a prescription for an epinephrine auto-injector.
- School nurses will provide education and training for school personnel on the management of students with life-threatening allergies including:
- Training related to the administration of an epinephrine auto-injector
- Techniques on how to recognize symptoms of severe allergic reactions
- The standards and procedures for storage and administration of an epinephrine auto-injector
- Procedures for responding to life-threatening allergic reactions, including emergency follow-up procedure
Sun Safety
Mental Health Resources
Are you worried about your child? offers education and therapeutic support
to empower and give you hope as you support your child’s mental health.
Visit for more information
Nursing Team
Mary Young
Dr. Eugene Sires Nurse
Jen Shadrick
Flowertown Nurse
Kara Luxmore
Fort Dorchester Elementary Nurse
Alma Katherine Hunter
Knightsville Nurse
Alyson Brown
Newington Nurse
Shelby Mundy
Oakbrook Elementary Nurse
English Myers
Summerville Elementary
Holly Legette
William Reeves, Jr. Elementary Nurse
Jackie Malaniak
Windsor Hill Nurse
Natalie Demario
Alston Nurse
Shellie Alumbaugh
DuBose Nurse
Laura Powers
East Edisto Nurse
Nancy Truluck
Gregg Nurse
Megan Gibson
Oakbrook Middle Nurse
Hilary Dishon
River Oaks Nurse
Ann Wiseman
Rollings Nurse
Coordinated School Health Advisory Council (CSHAC)
Learn More About CSHAC
Dorchester District Two maintains a Coordinated School Health Advisory Council (CSHAC) to assess, plan, implement, and monitor district and school health policies and programs, including the development of a District Wellness Policy.
To access the DD2 Wellness Policy click here and look for Policy ADF
Interested in serving on the CSHAC? Email
Amanda Santamaria, BSN, RN-BC, CSN
Director of Nursing & Health Services