LEAP Afterschool
LEAP (Learn, Engage, Act, Progress) provides afterschool care in a nurturing and safe environment that supports students as learners. The program serves students in 5K to 5th grade who are enrolled in Dorchester School District Two.
LEAP Extended Day operates Monday‐Friday from 2:05 until 6:00pm. We are open on Early Release and Staff Development/Teacher Workdays. We are closed for eLearning days, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, and all one‐day holidays indicated on the School Calendar.
LEAP Registration for 2024-2025 School Year
Registration for 2024-2025 LEAP afterschool program is via ProCare (links below). Select the school where your child will attend school for 2024-2025 to access the enrollment link for that LEAP site. Enrollment is offered year-round as availability permits. If the slots are filled, your child will be added to the Waitlist until a slot becomes available.
Waitlist Status: Wait list preference is given to siblings of current students and children of DD2 employees. If you are notified of an available enrollment option, you will have 24 hours to accept and submit your registration fee.
Select your school
- All
- Alston-Bailey Elementary
- Beech Hill Elementary
- Eagle Nest Elementary
- Eugene Sires Elementary
- Flowertown Elementary
- Fort Dorchester Elementary
- Joe Pye Elementary
- Knightsville Elementary
- Newington Elementary
- Oakbrook Elementary
- Sand Hill Elementary
- Spann Elementary
- Summerville Elementary
- William Reeves Elementary
- Windsor Hill Art Infused Elementary
Register for LEAP
Summer Camp 2025
Contact Sites
Alston-Bailey Elementary School:
Beech Hill Elementary School:
Eagle Nest Elementary School:
Flowertown Elementary School:
Fort Dorchester Elementary School:
Knightsville Elementary School:
Newington Elementary School:
Oakbrook Elementary School:
Joseph Pye Elementary School:
Reeves Elementary School:
Sand Hill Elementary School:
Dr. Eugene Sires Elementary School:
Spann Elementary School:
Summerville Elementary School:
Windsor Hill Arts Infused Elementary School:
We recognize you as your child’s first teacher and hope to work together in providing extracurricular activities that meet the developmental and recreational needs of your child.
Each day your child will rotate through centers that will provide opportunities for academic, social, and physical development. They will visit the Homework/Technology Center, Arts and Crafts Center, Social Center and Physical Activity Center. Students will work with partners, develop team building skills, computer skills and have time for homework. On Fridays, students participate in “Fun Friday” activities to celebrate their successful week.
Students are provided numerous opportunities:
- Homework/Technology Center ‐ a setting is provided with adequate space, assistance, and resources to work on homework and class projects using their own student devices.
- Arts and Crafts Center ‐allow students to explore, create and build their own imaginative ideas.
- Social Center ‐board games, music and fun activities provide students with the opportunity to develop and increase social skills.
- Physical Activity Center ‐provides a great opportunity for your child to learn and develop healthy habits in fitness, nutrition, skill development, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
*Approved ABC Child Care Vouchers are accepted by each DDTwo Elementary School. *
LEAP Extended Day does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, religion, sex, color, disability, genetic information, national origin, or any other applicable status protected by local, state, or federal law.
The use of corporal punishment is not allowed in the program.
For your records, our Federal Tax ID#: 576001626
The LEAP Extended Day Enrichment Program is self‐supporting. Fees are as follows:
Registration Fee:
$50.00 per child or $90.00 per family (non‐refundable) a completed registration form must be on file prior to the first day of attendance.
2024-2025 School Year Full Time Weekly Rate:
- 1st child‐ $100.00
- 2nd child‐$95.00
- 3rd child‐ $90.00
Early Release Days & Staff Development Days:
Each day is an additional $10
Rates remains the same each week regardless of attendance. We do not offer an hourly or daily rate.
Payment may be in the form of check or cash directly to the LEAP site. Credit card payments must be made via the ProCare payment system which requires you to set-up an account linked to your student (A receipt will be issued for all payments.) Payment is due Friday prior to the week service is provided. If payment has not been received by 6:00 p.m. on Monday, your child will NOT be allowed to attend until payment has been rendered and a $10.00 late fee will be added to your account.
- Transportation
- Safe Release of Children
- Prevention & Control of Infectious Diseases
- Parental Access
- Outdoor Time
- Medication Procedures
- Emergency Preparedness
- Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Hazardous Materials and Biological Contaminants
- Emergency Medical Care
- Discipline and Child Maltreatment
- Child Abuse and Neglect
DDTwo LEAP program follows Dorchester District Two School Board policy EEA. In addition:
- Written consent, for any transportation of a student, from the parent will be included in the Summer Camp application paperwork.
- Student to staff ratios will be 5–6-year old’s 1:20 and 6–12-year old’s 1:23.
- There will be additional staff on each bus.
- Staff members will carry with them emergency medical information and contact information for each child.
- Each bus is maintained by Dorchester District Two and will be driven by a Dorchester District Two transportation employee. The busses will have current vehicle registration and insurance.
- The driver of the bus will have a cell phone.
- First Aid Kits are available on all busses.
- Buses will transport students from summer sites to the field trip location and then back.
- Students will not be dropped off or picked up at any other location.
- Each staff member will take attendance before and after bus departure to ensure no child is left.
- Written transportation plan will be on file at each site during Summer Camp.
- Staff members are not to transport children, other than their own children, in any personal vehicle, at any time.
- Transportation will not be provided by DD2 LEAP to or from the program other than for field trips.
- If student behavior on the bus effects the safety and welfare of students or staff, the student may be temporarily or permanently suspended from bus usage. If a student is temporarily or permanently suspended from bus usage, that student will not be permitted to attend field trips or participate in the program if transportation is required.
Safe Release of Children
DD2 LEAP program will ensure the safe release of children by following:
- The release of a child may only be to a person who the legal guardian writes on the authorized pick- up list on the DD2 LEAP enrollment application.
- Parents/legal guardians are responsible for providing any necessary legal paperwork regarding custodial determinations to DD2 LEAP directly. DD2 LEAP does not have access to court orders or other legal documentation provided to the school.
- Staff will check the photo ID of all parties picking children up and will ensure they are authorized.
- Once the Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator recognizes and can identify the parent/guardian, a photo ID is no longer required.
- In the event a person picking up a student is not on the list of authorized persons; the Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator will contact parent/guardian for written consent.
- If the parent/guardian contacts the Site Coordinator regarding someone else picking student up, Site Coordinator will require the request be put in writing (email or handwritten) and require a photo ID from the person the parent is authorizing to pick student up.
- In case of emergency or illness, the Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator will attempt to contact parent/legal guardian. If the parent/legal guardian cannot be reached in a timely manner, the Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator will contact other authorized persons/emergency contacts for the student and permit those persons to pick up the student.
- If the person picking up the student does not appear to be capable of providing safe care, the Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator will contact the School Resource Officer or law enforcement. The student will remain at the site until assistance is provided .
Prevention & Control of Infectious Diseases
DDTwo LEAP program follows Dorchester District Two School Board policy JLCC. We follow the DHEC School and Childcare Exclusion List. This is what guides us for all illness and exclusion addition to these procedures:
- Staff will conduct a health observation of children daily as they take attendance.
- If a student becomes ill and needs to go home, the parent/guardian will be notified to come pick student up. The student will sit near the Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator until parent/guardian arrives.
- Parents will follow DHEC School and Childcare Exclusion List requirements for return to school.
- To help prevent the spread of germs, students will wash hands after using the restrooms, before eating meals/snack, and after coming in from outside playtime.
- Staff will wash hands prior to handing out snacks, after using the restroom, after applying medication/ointments where there is a break in the skin, and after cleaning or handling the garbage.
- School areas will be cleaned/disinfected daily by staff members and custodial staff at each site.
- Sites will contact ABC Quality if Outbreaks are reported by DHEC.
Parental Access
Dorchester District Two LEAP permits parents/legal guardians, in accordance with any outstanding court orders, unlimited access to their children during the hours the program is in operation.
Parent are encouraged to speak to the Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator regarding any concerns or suggestions.
Outdoor Time
DDTwo LEAP recognizes the importance of physical activity for young children. Implementation of appropriate physical activity practices supports the health and development of children in care, as well as assisting in establishing positive lifestyle habits for the future.
Physical Activity in Child Care
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that children in care are supported and encouraged to engage in active play, develop fundamental movement skills, and have limited screen time.
Our center encourages all children to participate in a variety of daily physical activity opportunities that are appropriate for their age, that are fun and that offer variety. To promote physical activity and provide all children with numerous opportunities for physical activity throughout the day LEAP will:
Daily Outdoor Play:
- Provide school age children with at least 45 minutes of daily outdoor play opportunities across 2 or 3 separate occasions, weather permitting.
- Increase indoor active playtime so the total amount of active play remains the same if weather limits outdoor time.
- Provide a variety of play materials (both indoors and outdoors) that promote physical activity.
Role of Staff in Physical Activity:
- Will encourage children to be physically active indoors and outdoors at appropriate times.
- Will provide 5-10 minutes of planned physical activities at least 2 times daily for children aged 5 and older.
- Staff will demonstrate and participate in the activity.
Physical Activity and Punishment
Staff members will not withhold opportunities for physical activity as a consequence (e.g., not being permitted to play the rest of the class or being kept from playtime), except when a child’s behavior is dangerous to himself or others. Staff members will never use forced physical activity or exercise as a punishment, e.g., doing push-ups or running laps. Our center uses appropriate alternative strategies as consequences for negative or undesirable behaviors.
Appropriate Dress for Physical Activity:
We at LEAP have a “Ready to Play” Policy! Please have your child ready to play and have fun each day. Your child will participate in both indoor and outdoor play. Therefore, play clothes and shoes, which can get dirty and allow free and safe movement, are most appropriate. We expect parents to provide children with appropriate clothing for safe and active outdoor play during all seasons.
Students should label all clothing: coats, sweaters, sweatshirts, etc. Please provide appropriate footwear for your child. Sneakers or tennis shoes are best to wear daily. It is our expectation that children will go outside EVERYDAY!
Medication Procedures
DDTwo LEAP program follows Dorchester District Two School Board policy JLCD and JLCDC. In addition:
- A medication log which shows the child’s name, name of medication, dosage, date, time, and name of person administering the medication will be kept by the Site Coordinator.
- In the event of a medication error, it will be documented, and the parent/guardian informed immediately.
- Parent/guardian is responsible for noting on LEAP enrollment documents all health concerns the student might have under the Health History section.
- Site Coordinators and Assistant Site Coordinators are trained in assisting with routine medications and administering emergency medications including EpiPen.
Dorchester District Two requires that the parents of all students who need medication during school hours and during school sponsored events/activities must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Parent/legal guardian must complete and submit a Dorchester School District Two Medication Permission Form for each medication to be taken or stored at school. This form requires both the signature of the physician and the parent/legal guardian.
- Medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian or other responsible adult and delivered directly to the Site Coordinator. Medications will not be accepted if sent in with students or delivered to unauthorized school employees. A supply of no more than 30 days should be provided.
- Medications must be provided to the school in their original container with all labeling from the pharmacy, and if applicable, the manufacturer, intact and legible. Each medication must be labeled with the student’s name.
- Each medication contained must include only the medication listed on the pharmacy label and the medication must match the pharmacist’s physical description of the medication on the label.
- The first dose of any new medication should always be taken at home to allow the parent/guardian to monitor for side effects.
- Parents are reminded that aspirin, cough medicine, vitamins, cough drops, all over-the-counter products, will not be given at school without a medication permission request form completed by a legal prescriber and in a properly labeled prescription container by a registered pharmacist as prescribed by law.
- Herbals, food supplements, alternative medicinal products, and other items that do not have FDA approval will not be given at school without a medication permission request form completed by a legal prescriber and in a properly labeled prescription container by a registered pharmacist as prescribed by law.
- Students will not share any prescription or over the counter medication with another student. Violations may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to suspension or expulsion.
- All medicine not registered with the Site Coordinator will be in direct violation of district policy and dealt with accordingly.
- Parents are also reminded that school personnel will dispose of medication not claimed at the end of the school year.
- All medications will be handled in accordance with the above guidelines through the Site Coordinator.
Additional treatments such as tube feedings and respiratory care also require documentation from a physician/legal prescriber and parent or guardian.
Emergency Preparedness
DDTwo LEAP program follows Dorchester District Two School Board policy EBCB and the Safety Plan at each of the elementary schools. Once a crisis plan is initiated, the Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator will:
- Define the issue and what the response will be. Report this information immediately to first responders, the school principal, the LEAP Coordinator, Safety/security Director Preston Giet, 843.830.9423.
- Consider all options and act decisively following the district and school crisis management plan to ensure the health and safety of students and staff and to protect school property. Coordinate action with District Safety/security Officer Preston Giet and the appropriate law enforcement agency as quickly as possible.
- Fire- evacuate the building, gather in a designated area with staff, take attendance, call emergency responders, notify LEAP Coordinator, school principal and ABC Quality at 1-800-876-2223.
- Lockdown- stay in the building away from windows, notify LEAP Coordinator and emergency responders. Shelter in place until law enforcement arrives and clears the building.
- Temporary closure- Site Coordinator will notify parent/guardian by phone and email regarding closure. In the event the school building is closed, we will be closed also.
- In the event of an emergency, the Site Coordinator and Assistant Site Coordinator will notify parents, as soon as reasonably permitted, regarding the emergency.
- Parents/guardians will be instructed to come pick up students. If the program has had to evacuate to a new location, the reunification site will be provided to the parent during contact.
- Staff will remain with their students until all are reunified with their parent/legal guardian. .
- In the event the site needs to evacuate or needs to relocate ABC Quality will be notified at 1-800-876-2223.
- Staff will conduct a fire drill monthly, lockdown drill each quarter, tornado drill once during the school year and an earthquake drill once during the school year.
Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Hazardous Materials and Biological Contaminants
DDTwo LEAP program follows Dorchester District Two School Board policy EBAB. In addition to these procedures:
- All staff are trained in Bloodborne pathogen and safety.
- Toxic substances must be stored out of the reach of children in a locked cabinet. Toxic substances or hazardous materials include but are not limited to- chemicals, cleaning products, disinfectant sprays, insecticides, gasoline products.
- Toxic substances must not be used while children are present.
- Flammable materials must be should be stored in a separate areas away from high temperatures and ignition sources, inaccessible to children.
- Toxic substances/hazards must be stored away from food and medicine.
- Intentional placement of poisonous plants at any site is not permitted. DD2 and LEAP will take reasonable measures to eliminate naturally occurring poisonous plants in areas where children may be present.
- Chemicals used to control odors are not allowed. This includes air fresheners, essential oils, and moth balls.
- Staff will wear gloves when assisting students who are injured or ill or when contact with bodily fluids is anticipated. Custodial staff will be notified in the event of disposal of bodily fluids.
Emergency Medical Care
DDTwo LEAP program follows Dorchester District Two School Board policy JLCE, JLCDC and JLCDB.
In addition to these procedures:
- Parents must complete the Health History section on the LEAP enrollment application. This information will be documented and shared with staff that directly work with the student.
- If a student has a routine or emergency medication that will be needed at LEAP, parent/guardian must complete the DD2 Medication Permission Form and follow all District Procedures related to medications at school and school-sponsored activities.
- In the event of activities involving food, parents/guardians of students with food allergies, diabetes, or other dietary concerns will be notified.
- In the event of a medical emergency, first responders will be called. The Site Coordinator or Assistant Site Coordinator will then notify the LEAP Coordinator, parent/guardian, and school principal regarding the medical emergency.
- The first responders will determine the nearest hospital to transport to if needed.
- An adult from LEAP will accompany the student in the ambulance if the parent/guardian is unable to.
Discipline and Child Maltreatment
As a DDTwo LEAP employee, building relationships with students is a priority. As a staff member, you must establish and encourage realistic boundaries and high expectations for your students. Positive guidance, building self-esteem, reducing threats, and creating a relationship of trust and respect will reduce any
discipline problem.
Our policy specifically disallows:
- Corporal Punishment- the use of physical force to the body as a discipline measure. Physical force of the body includes but is not limited to spanking, slapping, biting, and shaking.
- Any strategy that hurts, shames, or belittles a child.
- The use of food as a reward or punishment.
- Any strategy that threatens, intimidates, or forces a child.
- Use or withholding of physical activity as a punishment.
Child Abuse and Neglect
DD2 LEAP program follows Dorchester District Two School Board policy JLF.
The Child Abuse and Neglect Law:
“Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), originally enacted in 1974 (Public Law 93-247) and reauthorized in 2010, is the largest body of legislation with regard to the fair, ethical, and legal treatment of children and is intended to keep them free from all forms of abuse including physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological.”
All LEAP staff will be trained on signs of possible child abuse or neglect. All staff members are considered mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse or neglect and are REQUIRED to immediately report suspected child abuse and/or neglect to either the Department of Social Services or law enforcement directly. It is not the responsibility of staff members to prove that the child has been abused or neglected or to make a determination of whether the child is in need of protection. Any involvement of staff in investigation or treatment should be in conjunction with the Department of Social Services or law enforcement. Staff members should notify the Site Coordinator of any oral or written report submitted in a case of child abuse or neglect.
Staff will be trained during orientation regarding child abuse and neglect. Each site will cooperate in allowing DSS staff to conduce any on-site investigations and/or obtain necessary documentation to include any video footage. Each site will release staff and children’s records to the Department of Social Services or law enforcement as appropriate.
If you LOVE working with Kindergarten-5th Grade students, we provide homework help, arts & crafts, outdoor activities, and fun! We are located in all DDTwo Elementary Schools.
2:00-6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
$15 an hour
- At least 18 years old
- High School Graduate, GED or College Degree
- Must Pass SLED & Central Registry Check
Required Documents:
- Completed application with resume
- Driver's License
- Social Security card
- Copy of high school diploma
- TB (skin) test results completed
Apply to work for LEAP Extended Day
You may pick up an application at 815 South Main Street.
Questions? 843.821.3999 or cathomas@dorchester2.k12.sc.us
Carolyn Thomas
LEAP Assistant Director