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Schools & Programs

Title III

The term multilingual learners (ML) embodies the shared core values of diversity and inclusion which are integral parts of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. The Multilingual Learner Program (MLP) in South Carolina will continue to grow and reflect these values to increase MLs’ opportunities.Source: SCDE

Intended Program Beneficiaries

Teachers and principals, including assistant principals, and as appropriate, administrators and pupil services and paraprofessionals.

Allowable Use of Funds: [Section 2123(a)]

LEAs must use TPTR funds to implement one or more of the following allowable activities:

  • recruiting, hiring and retention of highly qualified personnel professional development
  • improve quality of teacher and professional work force under Section 1119
  • reducing class size

General Program Requirements

TPTR program activities are required to:

  • Be based on a local assessment of needs for professional development and hiring
  • Activities must:
  • be aligned with state academic content and student academic performance standards and state assessments;
  • be aligned with curricula and programs tied to state academic content and student academic performance standards;
  • be based on a review of scientifically based research; have a substantial, measurable, and positive impact on student academic achievement;
  • be part of a broader strategy to eliminate the achievement gap between low-income and minority students and other
  • Professional development activities must be coordinated with other professional development activities provided through other Federal, state, and local programs, including Title II, Part D (technology) funds.