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Device Support

Student Devices

Device Support Photo

Dorchester School District Two desires to be recognized as a “World Class” school district, expecting each student to achieve at his/her optimum level in all areas and providing all members of our district family with an environment that permits them to do their personal best. All students in grades K-12 will receive a device in order to support student access to information, promote critical thinking, enhance communication and collaboration, and innovatively create while learning to safely, ethically, and successfully utilize technology. Students will have the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the classroom by taking their device home in order to access instructional programs, files, and schoolwork.

Students in grades K-12 will be issued a device for use at school and home. 

  • Pre K : iPad, with built-in webcam and protective case
  • Grades K-12: Lenovo 300e Yoga Chromebook, built-in webcam and protective case 

Student Device Orientation Videos

Apple iPad





K - 12



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Instructional Technology Services Navigation

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