Educational Technology Services
The school district utilizes technology in a full range of academic programs and extracurricular activities.
All 26 DD2 schools are wireless and connected by a high-speed wide area network monitored and regulated by ETS to ensure safe and secure technology integration. Students and staff have full-time internet access in classrooms and libraries as well as capabilities to access the internet during distance learning opportunities. All teachers have personal computing devices and all classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards.
Technology Services is responsible for all automated, computerized, and electronic information handling throughout the district. We manage all the functions of voice and electronic communications, as well as audio and video technologies. In addition, we provide support for all district supported systems and hardware. We employ a centralized management of technology services that includes both instructional and operational technologies.
Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Sanga is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for educational technology services in Dorchester School District Two (DD2). Before coming to DD2, Dr. Sanga served as the executive director for educational technology in Kershaw County School District (KCSD) South Carolina, from 2018 until 2023. Dr. Sanga joined the ranks of K12 leadership after teaching at the University of South Carolina's department of Educational Leadership and Policies (EDLP) for 9 years, and also at Northern Illinois University's (NIU) Department of Educational Technology, Research and Assessment for 15 years. In addition to his teaching responsibilities at USC, Dr. Sanga was the Director of the state Minority Administrators Program (MAP), a program designed to provide support for prospective minority K12 school administrators in South Carolina. Additionally, Dr. Sanga was the Director of the Teacher Opportunities Programmes (TOPS). TOPS was a USAID grant given to the University of South Carolina and the University of the Western Cape, in South Africa to train Post Apartheid South African school principals. Also, while working at Northern Illinois University, Dr. Sanga provided professional development to local school districts' teachers and administrators in the area of integrating technology into education. He Was a member of NIU's college of education team that worked with Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Chicago to build an international student exchange program. In addition, Dr. Sanga served on the team that contracted with the Saudi Arabia Royal Commission of Jubail, Colleges and Institutes Sector (JCIS) to train faculty from three universities on developing a viable e-learning program from 2015-2016. In 2022 to 2024 Dr. Sanga and a team of researchers from Northern Illinois University received a Fullbright-Hayes grant to conduct research on Social Justice, Education Equity, and Diversity Through the Lens of Taiwan’s National Civic Literacy and Efficacy Initiative. This research was conducted in Taiwan.
Deborah Daugherty
Assistant Director of Instructional Technology
Shelly Bostwick
Assistant Director of Systems Technology
Thad Schmenk
Director of Data Analytics